Pro Ana Tips – Eat Breakfast Like A Queen

Pro Ana Tips – Eat Breakfast Like A Queen

Pro Ana Tips #1

In our very first Pro Ana Tips article we want to focus on the bigger picture and that is how messed up our eating habits are.  The most crucial Pro Ana Tips you can ever understand is we must break our eating habits.  Our eating habits are messed up in most countries, especially in the USA. We’ll dig further into this and the science behind why this is crucial and if you just follow this one Pro Ana Tips article you can be way ahead of the game for the long run as we all want to be thin and healthy for a long time not just for the next 6 months.

Pro Ana Tips – Eat like A Queen

Ever heard the line “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.”?  Well it actually makes scientific sense and could easily keep weight gain at bay.  Basically the believe behind this is you should eat a high fat meal for breakfast, then eat a decent lunch (but not as high fat as breakfast), then for dinner eat a very low fat meal.  Unfortunately, most of us do the exact opposite by choosing to either eat very little or nothing at all for breakfast, eating a decent lunch, then eating a huge dinner.  That is the main reason why, in my opinion, obesity is sky rocketing in the US.  We are all busy and most of us are on the run in the morning and so we either just grab a coffee and go or we grab a bagel or cereal that is high in carbohydrates but low in fat.  Definitely in the opposite direction that Pro Ana followers need to be going.

The science proves that what we eat after we wake up kinda wakes up that type of metabolism in our bodies.  So in other words, if we eat a high fat breakfast, we’ll awaken the fat metabolism and it’ll continue to burn fat throughout the day.  If you only eat a high carbohydrate breakfast, then your body will burn more carbohydrates during the day and any fat you eat will be stored.  That is not what we want.  We want to burn that fat we don’t want to store it. The study was done at University of Alabama Birmingham in 2010.  Basically they fed high fat breakfast to mice and watched their weight over a period of time and found they did not gain or even lost weight by following this.  The opposite happened to mice that ate very little or a high carb meal then a high fat dinner.

Now you have to make sure you aren’t eating a high fat breakfast and a high fat meal at the end of the day as well.  Balance out the meals and if you have to count those calories.  You should probably consume 40-50% of your calories for the day breakfast following this plan.  So that opens up a huge assortment of foods you can eat.  Now you just have to find the time to make or cook those foods.  We don’t recommend running to your favorite fast food restaurant in the morning every day but if you must every now and then it’s fine (don’t make it a weekly thing) as long as you eat a lite dinner everyday.

So how can you apply this Pro Ana tips article to your every day diet?

Here are some suggestions:

Bacon and/or Sausage, Eggs, Omlettes with meat (try ham), beans are good source of good fat.  You can even eat pizza for breakfast! Whatever you think as long as it’s about 600 calories and not packed full of carbohydrates.  Remember, whole milk is a good source of fat so you can eat a high fiber cereal that is low in carbohydrates and use whole milk instead of skim or 2% and then you can get your fat in that way.

Basically if you follow a 1200 calorie a day diet, you allot 600 calories for breakfast, then the other 600 calories between lunch and dinner.  This type of diet will also make you feel full longer too so you aren’t feeling hungry at 10 AM as fat takes longer to break down in the body then simple carbohydrates.

So remember, if you eat like a queen and don’t skip breakfast! 
To learn more Pro Ana tips see the following Ebook which contains over 50 pages of Pro Ana Tips and Tricks.
pro ana book


3 thoughts on “Pro Ana Tips – Eat Breakfast Like A Queen

  1. I am confused by this, 1200 cals a day sounds way to many , I was thinking to stick to around 800 and gradually try and cut back on those..I have at least 30 pounds to lose have only lost 3 so far.

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